
Showing posts from 2024

Checkout a specific revision of a folder in Subversion using the command line

  mkdir my_project cd my_project svn checkout -r1 file://$HOME/.svnrepos/myproject/trunk ./ This will checkout to revision 1. Omit the -r1 flag to checkout the latest revision.

Inkscape Image Raster Perspective

 Apply perspective transformation to bitmap images using the selected path as envelope, without the need to use an external software to transform the image. It works for both embedded and linked images. cd $HOME/.config/inkscape/extensions git clone Open Inkscape (if it is already open, close then re-open it) and you should find the extension under: Extensions > Raster Perspective > Perspective . Source:

Setting up a local SVN repository

 You can create a Subversion repository on your computer and use file:// scheme to interact with it locally. This approach can help you use Subversion locally to track personal files and single-person projects. The following procedure creates a minimal environment for an existing project. It converts a directory with a project into a working copy of a newly-created local Subversion repository. As result you can modify the files in the working copy and track the changes in your local repository. On Unix: Create a parent directory .svnrepos where you will place your SVN repositories: $ mkdir -p $HOME/.svnrepos/ Create a new repository MyRepo under .svnrepos: $ svnadmin create ~/.svnrepos/MyRepo Create a recommended project layout in the new repository: $ svn mkdir -m "Create directory structure." \  file://$HOME/.svnrepos/MyRepo/trunk \  file://$HOME/.svnrepos/MyRepo/branches \  file://$HOME/.svnrepos/MyRepo/tags Change directory to ./MyProject where your un...

Docker LAMP

Mar, 2023 Install Docker apt install docker docker-compose apt-utils docker --version docker run hello-world Create a folder on desktop cd ~/Desktop mkdir docker-app cd docker-app Manage Docker as a non-root user otherwise you have to use sudo # 1. Create the docker group. $ sudo groupadd docker # 2. Add your user to the docker group. $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER # 3. Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated. # 4. Verify that you can run docker commands without sudo. $ docker run hello-world Now: git clone cd docker-compose-lamp cp sample.env .env // modify sample.env as needed docker-compose up -d // visit localhost Now Wait! Restart apache service: sudo systemctl restart apache2.service Edit .env file and change ports (I set apache port to 8000. Goto: localhost:8000 You should be greeted with the LAMP STACK page. Create a test.php file inside the www folder within the docker-compose-lamp directory ...

Configure and in git

 You typically configure your global username and email address after installing Git. ... To set your global username/email configuration: Open the command line. Set your username: git config --global "FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME" Set your email address: git config --global ""

Pretty Print PHP - ppr shortcode


Display all PHP errors and warnings

 The quickest way to display all php errors and warnings is to add these lines to your PHP code file:  ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);

VSCodium (Codium) - Change editor font size zoom

 May, 2023 In the Settings/Preferences dialog, search 'zoom'. Make sure that the setting Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+MouseWheel is enabled.